1. How does acupuncture work?
Acupuncture can stimulate a wide range of changes within the body. It reduces the sensitivity of nerves to pain and increases their sensitivity in cases of neuropathy. Acupuncture also reduces inflammation, promotes circulation, calms the nervous system, relaxes muscles and moderates the release of hormones. It is an effective method for improving the health of the whole body.
2. What does it feel like?
Because acupuncture needles are not much larger than a hair, treatments are normally painless. Occasionally, there may be some discomfort but it should not last. The treatment should be comfortable. Patients often report feeling calm and relaxed — many even fall asleep.
3. How many treatments will I need?
This depends largely on what your condition is, how long you have had it and how you respond to the treatment. Many people feel improvement with just one treatment but most do require a course of treatments. This is typically discussed during the initial intake but please call or email if you would like more specific information.
4. Are there any side effects to acupuncture?
One of acupuncture's best qualities is that it is so safe. There are very few side effects and they are very rare. The most common is bruising. However, if you are pregnant or have a specific medical condition please tell us and consult with your doctor before starting treatment.
5. What conditions are commonly treated with acupuncture?
Pain, digestive disorders, autoimmune diseases, respiratory disease, infertility, anxiety, depression, osteopathic diseases, sports injuries and many others.
6. Workers Compensation and Acupuncture
Click this link - https://www.acucleveland.com/workers-comp
7. Veterans and Acupuncture
We are proud to provide for Veterans through the VA Community Care Program.
Click this link - https://www.acucleveland.com/veteran
8. Are you HIPAA compliant?
Yes, we are. You can view our privacy practices here.